We’ve all heard the term “Dead Beat Dad” for the guys who don’t pay child support. Well, how about the “Dead BROKE Dad’s”? Guys like me who are fighting with their own limited budgets, but doing the best they can. Dad’s who didn’t want to be shut out of their child’s life, but are tired of child support being used as a form of extortion.
I am the proud father of a wonderful nine year old girl, who I call "Sunshine". Unfortunately, she lives with her mother (in another state) in a "joint custody" arrangement. This means that I pay my ex for being nice enough to take my daughter out of my life. Financially, it couldn't be better for my ex. She has a guaranteed tax-free income that always maintains at least a minimum level, no matter what happens in my life. And, when my pay goes up so does hers. After being unemployed for quite some time, I'm in "catch-up" mode now. While I am making payments, its not enough to satisfy my ex.
I started this site in April of 2003, after putting up with four years of abuse from my ex-wife and the court system. While it may actually be more of a journal than a true blog, I do want to include outside links when possible. Mostly though, this is just my place to vent.
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All statements, claims and names presented here are intended to represent only those persons specifically and only in this one case. No opinion may or should be drawn of persons or organization represented outside of the context presented.
All Statements presented are believed to be true and supported to the best of the Authors ability. And all claims are simply the opinion of the Author. There has been no "finding of fact" as to the truth of these opinions.
All links outside of the Dead Broke Dad site are the sole responsibilty of their respective authors.