Dead Broke Dad

May, 2003

May 23, 2003
My new job is going pretty well, but of course there are some adjustments. As the new guy, I’ve been moved to a later shift. Since GF (my girlfriend) works normal hours, I’m on my way to work while she’s getting ready to go home. Kind of kills any chance of a date night during the week. Not to mention just talking to each other on the phone.

Lots of other news lately, so I hope to be back soon, but I need to get up early to go pick up Sunshine.

May 15, 2003
Just an update to let you know about a new link over on the sidebar. Mostly for Illinois Dads, but might be interesting for the rest.

May 14, 2003
O.K., I haven't updated in awhile, but you'll soon see why. We had a great Mother's Day weekend with my parents. Sunshine (my daughter) got to spend some time at one of my uncles farms chasing all the new kittens. She could have spent the whole weekend there, if it was up to her. Definitely an animal lover! We also had my cousin and his wife over with their two girls, so the house was never in danger of being too quiet. The only sour note all weekend was because my ex didn't pack any socks or underwear for Sunshine. I think she was disappointed that her mom would forget something like that. Oh well, a quick trip to the store with Grandma took care of that. We had a great breakfast Sunday morning (thanks Dad), went to church, loaded up (thanks Mom, my 'fridge is restocked), and headed back.

Now, why did has it been so long since my last update? Well, I finally have a NEW JOB! I started Monday morning. I went through quite a long interview process with this company, and they finally made a decision. So far it seems pretty cool. Hopefully I can start getting caught up with some bills soon. That is if the ex doesn't try to take half of my paycheck. I would be better off on unemployment if she does that. We'll see what happens...

Naturally, I won't be posting here as often, but I do want to try and update at least two or three times a week. Especially if I come across any useful information for Dads in my research. Meanwhile, I am still learning more about blogging software, and I could probably start archiving last months stuff. Unfortunately, I don't think I can use a real blog program until I upgrade from a free site.

May 09, 2003
I talked to the ex today. She actually called me! She just got back in town after being away for a work related conference for the last ten days. My daughter spent the time with the ex’s girlfriend and some extra daycare. Hmmm? Would have been nice to know something like this ahead of time. Anyway, the ex actually offered to meet early for the Friday swap, so I’ll be checking back in here on Monday. We’re going to spend Mother’s Day weekend with my parents.

May 06, 2003
I've been doing more reading than writing lately. Check out the side bar for a bunch of new links. Also, the About page has changed with even more links added there.

May 05, 2003
So, my birthday has come and gone again. My girlfriend helped make it pretty special. Dinner, presents, and best of all, just time together.

Got the obligatory phone call from Mom and Dad. They live about four hours away, but I still visit often enough to raid the fridge on a regular basis! They've also been a huge help financially while I've been out of work.

Haven't heard from my daughter. Even at nine years old, she's pretty good about remembering things like birthdays, so I have to wonder if she feels uncomfortable asking her mother if she can call me. Ah yes, another fine example of model parenting. How long can I be the "nice guy"? I mean, I want my daughter to love and respect her mother, but it sure would be nice if at least a little of that was reciprocated. For crying out loud, I still help my daughter make cards and presents for her mother when we're together.

Just to change the subject, at least a little bit, check this diversion out, along with a new section on the sidebar.

May 04, 2003
Well, I still don't like the design too much, but at least the layout seems a little better.

May 02, 2003
Got a message from my daughter today. I really love how her mother has her call any time we need to discuss scheduling. I don't know whether to feel pity that she's hiding behind a child, or anger that she's messing up my kid emotionally.

May 01, 2003
The search for a new job seems to be making some progress lately. At least I'm getting more leads again. Still haven't found anything without a major commute, but you can't have everything. In between job searches and dealing with attorneys, I've been reading more blogs, so check out the new blog links page. Yes, it's small now, But I'm really trying to figure out how to do a sidebar on this page before I get too carried away with all of these "links" pages.